
"Walking Away" is a captivating bronze sculpture by Nancy Gardner, an American artist trained by an Italian master sculptor. This exquisite piece commands a sense of military appreciation for our female aviators. As quoted from Brigadier General, ace pilot and record setting test pilot, Chuck Yeager, "Any landing that you can walk away from is a good landing." It is elevated by a custom fitted wooden base and stands 13.5 inches tall. "Walking Away" demands attention with its intricate details and its expressive forms while being offered as 1 of 10 of a limited edition.

Walking Away

About the artist

Nancy at age 50, began her artist career in 1990. Enrolling in every available art class at Lake Tahoe Community College there was only one left, bronze sculpting. The class taught hands on from clay to a finished bronze piece. It was at the Scottsdale Arizona School she met an Italian master sculptor who mentored her until this day.

At age 79, Nancy was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. Within a year, it had claimed her central vision. It was one thing that she was unable to drive a car but to not be able to do her art was devastating. One day it was her mentor who called asking how her baby granddaughter was doing as a US Navy Aviator. But then came the real reason for the call—he boldly challenged her to do one more piece. After two years, here lies the result of the challenge, “Walking Away.”


